Solar Water Heater 200 Ltr Price: A Guide, Pros and Cons

Solar water heaters have gained significant attention in today’s world and in this article we will explores the concept of solar water heater 200 ltr price, their pros and cons, sizing considerations, maintenance requirements, and different types available in the market. So, if you’re considering making the switch to a solar water heater, read on to discover everything you need to know.

What Is a Solar Water Heater?

A solar water heater is designed to provide hot water to a building as a traditional unit would, with one crucial difference – these heaters utilize solar energy to heat the water. They come in various designs, but all include collectors and a storage tank. There are two main types: active and passive.

Active Systems vs. Passive Systems

Active SystemsPassive Systems
Use pumps to circulate water for heatingRely on gravity for fluid movement
Can employ direct or indirect circulation methodsBased on natural convection and gravity
Can replace a conventional water heaterServe as water preheaters, offering limited energy savings
More efficientOffering limited energy savings
Table describing difference between active and passive system

The Advantages of Solar Water Heaters

  1. Cost Savings: Harnessing free solar thermal energy reduces energy bills significantly.
  2. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Lower energy consumption contributes to a greener environment.
  3. Low Maintenance: These systems are easy to operate and maintain.
  4. Minimal Space Requirements: Only a few standard-sized solar panels are needed.
  5. Increased Home Value: Adding a solar water heater can increase your home’s value by up to 27%.

The Drawbacks of Solar Water Heaters

  1. Space Requirement: The storage tank is larger than conventional heaters.
  2. Backup Power Needed: You’ll require a backup-powered tank for consistent hot water.
  3. Dependent on Sunlight: Solar heaters rely on sunlight; cloudy days may affect performance.
  4. Temperature Control: In very hot climates, the water in the tank can become excessively hot.

Factors Affecting Solar Water Heater 200 Ltr Price

Factors Affecting Solar Water Heater 200 Ltr Price
Factors Affecting Solar Water Heater 200 Ltr Price

1. Capacity

The capacity of a solar water heater is a significant price determinant. A 200-liter solar water heater will naturally cost more than a smaller capacity model due to the larger storage tank and collector area required.

2. Quality and Brand

The brand and quality of the solar water heater play a crucial role in pricing. Reputable brands often provide higher-quality components and better efficiency, which can result in a higher price tag.

3. Type of Collector

As mentioned earlier, flat plate collectors and evacuated tube collectors have different price ranges. Evacuated tube collectors tend to be more expensive but offer better performance in cold climates.

4. Installation

The cost of installation, including labour charges and additional components like pipes and stands, can significantly impact the total price.

5. Government Subsidies

In India, various state and central government schemes offer subsidies and incentives for installing solar water heaters to reduce the overall cost.

Solar Water Heater 200 Ltr Price Ranges and Products in India

The price of a 200-liter solar water heater in India can vary widely depending on the factors mentioned above. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere between INR 30,000 to INR 80,000 for a high-quality system. Please check the below 10 handpicked solar water heater 200 ltr price and brand details:

Which Solar Hot Water System Size Do I Need?

Selecting the right tank size is crucial. A general guideline suggests allowing 20 litres of hot water per day for each household member. Sizing a collector is more complex, but your installer can assist. For instance:

  • For 1-2 people, a 40 sq.ft. collector may suffice.
  • Add 0.75 to 1.4 sq.m. per additional household member.
  • For 5 or >5 people, about 7.6 sq.m. of coverage is needed.
Family SizeCapacity in Litres
1 – 2 People114 – 227
3 – 4 People227 – 303
4 – 5 People303 – 454
Above is a table indicating storage tank capacities for different household sizes


After installation, regular maintenance is essential to ensure proper functioning. Home owners can perform visual inspections and basic maintenance, but it’s recommended to have a professional check every 3 years. Additionally, an acidic solution must circulate through the collectors and pipes every 3 to 5 years to prevent corrosion and debris buildup, especially in systems with antifreeze fueling liquids.

Solar Water Heating System by Type

Passive Solar Water Heater

Passive systems are more affordable but less energy-efficient. They tend to run out of hot water quickly on cloudy days and often require keeping the existing water heater for backup. A passive system typically heats only about 40% of a home’s water. Two common types of passive systems are integral collector storage (ICS) and thermosyphon.

Active Solar Water Heater

Active systems are suitable for areas with cold temperatures and can be conveniently hidden inside a closet or basement. These systems use a furnace or boiler to heat water and pumps to move it through the collectors. While active systems are more expensive, they offer greater efficiency.

Solar Water Storage Tank by Size

Solar tanks come in various sizes, ranging from 114 to 454 litres. They are paired with backup electric or gas heat sources to ensure a continuous supply of hot water, even on cloudy days or at night.


A solar water heater can be an excellent investment for environmentally conscious homeowners looking to reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint. However, it’s essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, consider your household’s size, and perform regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do solar water heaters work?

    They use sunlight to heat water through collectors and store it in a tank for later use.

  2. Are solar water heaters suitable for all types of weather?

    They work best in areas with ample sunlight, but there are options for various climates.

  3. What is the typical lifespan of a solar water heater?

    They can last up to 20 years with regular maintenance.

  4. Can I set up a solar water heater on my own?

    Installation is best done by professionals to ensure safety and efficiency.

  5. Are there government incentives for installing solar water heaters?

    In many regions, there are incentives and tax credits available for solar water heater installations to promote eco-friendly energy solutions.